Tips for a long lasting twist out on natural hair

Our Blog: Curl Definition

Try This! For a Twist Out That Lasts All Week Long and Then Some


Try This! For a Twist Out That Lasts All Week Long and Then Some


Adore the vibe of a twist out but bothered by the short-lived results? Achieving a lasting and low-maintenance style is totally doable! Check out these tips for making that twist out go the distance…

Unlock Ultimate Curl Definition: Keep Your Twists In Longer!

For immediate curly awesomeness, avoid removing twists overnight. Leaving them in for a few days or even a week yields longer-lasting results. Consider pairing twists with headwraps or wigs/extensions for a stylish alternative.

Discover the Benefits of Wearing Smaller Sized Twists for a Polished Look.

Chunky twist out sets are my top choice, but they don't last as long. Opt for smaller twists for enhanced definition. They don't need to be tiny, just smaller.

Twirl your locks on freshly washed damp hair

Wet hair will give you the best definition. However when your hair is wet, it is in a weakened state plus for those with low porosity hair it may take eons to dry if you twist while your hair is saturated. Instead twist damp hair. To give your hair some stretch prior to installing your twists pineapple your hair while it air dries.

Go for a strong-hold product

Flaxseed Gel is a great choice for both Wash and Go hair styles and Twist Outs because it adds shine, definition and has great a hold.

Avoid Excessive Fluffing During Twist Removal

Over-fluffing leads to frizz, damaging your style. To elongate your hair, consider twisting it, creating an updo, or putting it in a ponytail or bun. These styles create tension for added length. Use a pick to lift your roots gently.

Keep Your Curls Defined and Protected with our Nightly Hair Wraps

For optimal hair protection, remember your satin bonnet. To maintain your nighttime style, consider pineappling or putting your hair into large twists.

Regular Moisturization and Upkeep

Avoid weighing your hair down with excess product. Utilize the steam from your morning shower to rehydrate and refresh your style. Gently fluff with your fingers as needed once your hair is fully dry. 

By Ariane Williams

Make your natural hair curly and defined

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